Alcohol Rehab Center in Tyler, TX

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc., alcohol is the most commonly used substance of addiction in the United States. Nearly 18 million people in the United States suffer from alcohol addiction or engage in risky drinking patterns, such as binge drinking. Alcohol addiction occurs when a person can no longer maintain control over their drinking. While others may wrongly believe a person can simply and easily decide to stop drinking, this is far from the truth. Because a person is mentally and physically addicted to alcohol, they often require treatment at an alcohol rehab center in Tyler to help overcome their addiction.

Some of the symptoms a person may be experiencing when they suffer from an alcohol addiction include:

  • Having to drink more alcohol to experience the same effects a person once did
  • Frequently finding themselves drinking at inappropriate or unusual times, such as first thing in the morning or while at work
  • Experiencing problems with the law or loved ones due to their drinking
  • Losing a job or difficulty performing well at school due to alcohol abuse
  • Experiencing side effects of alcohol withdrawal, such that a person has to drink alcohol to not experience symptoms. Examples of these symptoms include tremors, nausea, and headache.

If a person is addicted to alcohol, they should seek out an alcohol rehab center in Tyler when they are ready to quit. Alcohol rehab is associated with increasing a person's chances for getting and staying sober. Examples of services offered at alcohol rehab include detoxification, counseling, therapy programs to relieve stress, and 12-step programs.

To learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Tyler, call us today at (877) 804-1531.

Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol abuse can cause a number of harmful health effects in a person's life. These may include both short-term and long-term health complications. For example, long-term health complications of alcohol addiction include being at increased risks for dementia and stroke. A person may also experience long-term psychiatric effects associated with long-term alcohol abuse, such as risks for suicide, anxiety, and depression. Alcohol abuse also increases a person's risk for being diagnosed with certain types of cancer.

Examples include cancers of the liver, mouth, throat, and esophagus. Because the liver is responsible for filtering alcohol, it can also become damaged due to long-term abuse. Liver damage includes fatty liver, alcohol hepatitis, or cirrhosis, which causes liver scarring that affects the liver's ability to work. People who abuse alcohol also often experience stomach problems, such as pancreatitis or gastritis. Both can be very painful conditions that require hospitalization.

Alcohol abuse may also lead to short-term health effects, including potential for injury while intoxicated. Examples include risks for car accidents, falls, drowning, and injuries from improper firearm use.

Why Should I Enter an Alcohol Rehab Center in Tyler?

When a person struggles with addiction, they shouldn't attempt to undergo alcohol addiction recovery alone. This is because alcohol withdrawals can cause serious health effects. One example is an acute condition known as the delirium tremens or DTs. This condition causes a person to experience rapid heart rate, too-high body temperatures, hallucinations, and seizures. In some instances, the DTs can be deadly.

At our alcohol rehab in Tyler, a person can take medications to reduce the likelihood the DTs will occur. Examples include medications to reduce the risks for seizures as well as medications to prevent nausea. At our center for drug detox in Tyler, we administer the necessary medications so that you don't have to suffer from the potentially dangerous and incredibly uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

While not all people who suffer from alcohol addiction will experience the DTs, alcohol addiction rehab can still be a beneficial way to reduce the side effects a person will experience as a result of alcohol withdrawals. In addition to treating physical symptoms of withdrawal, a person can also start to learn about how to resist the urge to relapse and return to alcohol abuse. They can start building a plan for returning to the "real world" and dealing with stress in a manner that does not include drinking alcohol.

Not all people with an alcohol addiction have dysfunctional lives. Some can hold down a job and hide their addiction from even those closest to them. However, there will be a time when addiction will catch up to a person and they will experience health effects or other problems in their daily life. Instead of getting to this low point, a person can make the empowering choice to seek alcohol addiction recovery. They can put recover in their own hands and start to rebuild life without a reliance on alcohol to get through the day. While choosing sobriety and alcohol addiction treatment is not always easy, the rewards of sobriety are worth it. Call us today at (877) 804-1531.

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